
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-09


Use of Incoterms
Incoterms are not implied into contracts for the sale of goods. If you desire to use Incoterms, you must specifically include them in your contract. Further, your contract should expressly refer to the rules of interpretation as defined in the latest revision of Incoterms, for example, Incoterms 2000, and you should ensure the proper application of the terms by additional contract provisions. Also, Incoterms are not “laws”. In case of a dispute, courts and arbitrators will look at: 1) the sales contract, 2) who has possession of the goods, and 3) what payment, if any, has been made. See International Contracts, also by World Trade Press.


Illustrated Guide to Incoterms
This guide was designed to give a graphic representation of the buyer’s and seller’s risks and costs under each Incoterm. The material on each facing page gives a summary of seller and buyer responsibilities.



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