
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06



  part 2:

  describe an interesting city

  where it is

  what you can do there

  its general feature

  and explain why you would recommend someone to see it.

  part 3:


  what's the difference between city and county?


  why do more and more people want to move to lager cities?

  3.about the development of city.


  the effect that the goverment brings to city,why?


  the rise of the population.


  the development of china in the future.

  part 2:

  describe your favorite room in your house

  what is it

  what are you always do in this room

  why it is special for you

  part 3:


  what kind of house do chinese people live in?


  what kind of house do they like to live in?


  what do you think of this kind of house?


  how to improve the house?


  what‘s the difference between the house in city and that in the county?


  do the youngers (between 18-21 years old) live with their parents now?what about your opinion?


  what‘s the difference between the north and south in house and life?

  part 2:

  describe a film you enjoyed a lot

  what's the topic of a film that you have ever seen?

  what the story was about?

  is it sad or happy?

  when and where you saw it?

  why do you like it?

  part 3:


  what's the difference between film in modern time and that in the past?


  which kind of film is more popular in china?


  what's the difference between younger's taste with adult's at film?



  what's the difference between chinese stars and international stars?

  which are more popular?

  who is the most famous foreignstar in china?why?


  what do you think the force in film?why there are so much force in it?


  is the cinema important in china?


  what is the most important condition for a playactor to be succeed?

  part 2:

  describe a thing you made of yourself

  when did you do it?

  why did you particularly prefer it?

  where did you do?

  part 3:

  1.if you are a teacher,what kind of creative new things you will teach?

  2.is it creative minal important?


  chinese traditional craftwork,is it more interesting by handing than by machine?

  part 2:

  describe a gift that you have received which make you feel special?

  what the gift is?

  who gave it to you?

  why the person gave it to you?

  why the gift means so much to you?

  part 3:


  when do chinese send presents to others?


  what‘s the difference between the gifts you send to others now and when you are child?


  what kind of presents do you think people will send in the future?


  will you send tv,computer and some other family wirings as presents to others?


  is there any organizations in china is assist for people?

  6.think about a new way help people to make money?


  how to look on some organizations‘ collection?


  which kind of collection will you contribute for?


  how to call on people to contribute?

  part 2:

  describe the clothes (jewellery) in your special occasions?

  what type of clothes will you choose in special time?

  what will you like when you wear them?

  how do you feel when you wearing them?

  part 3:

  1.talk about the style of a kind of clothes?

  2.do your country have any tradition and national clothes?

  3.why people like to dress traditional clothes?

  4.any special meaning?

  5.men's fashion and women's fashion

  6.do you think the clothing are more important than before?why?

  7.what type of clothing do you wear in different occasions?for example?

  8.what information can you find in another person's clothing?

  9.uniform advantage or disadvantage

  part 2:

  describe a school you studied before

  how big it is?

  what's advantage?

  is there any interesting in it?

  part 3:

  1.what is a good/bad teacher?


  what is the teacher's most important responsibility?


  what will be the reason that drive you become a teacher?


  what's the different kinds of schools in china?

  5.what's the difference between single-sex school and mixed school?

  6.is the single-sex school better or mixed school?


  what kinds of school would you like to send your children to study?

  part 2:

  describe a change in your own life?

  what is it?

  what's the effections on you?

  how do you feel about it?

  explain why it is important?

  part 3:

  1.what do you think the main changes over the past 20 years in china?

  2.what do you think women's situation in china?what about women's job and right?

  3.working change that brought by high-tech in china?

  4.what's the social's major change in china?

  5.what about the family structure change?

  part 2:

  the best holiday you had



  with who ?

  why do you think so?

  part 3:

  what tourists get from traveling?

  give some solution to benifit tourist industry?

  what's the different between you and your parents holiday?

  what do you purpose between older and younger?

  part 2:

  describe a famous person that you want to see

  who the person is and where he/she lives

  what the person does

  for what he/she is famous

  why you want to see him/her

  part 3:


  do you know any famous person?


  what do you like if one day you become famous?


  how to be a famous person?

  any benefit or disadvantage?


  why most of the people want to be well-know?


  talk about what the media the reports concerning to the stars


  what effects that stars bring to your life?


  why everyman be in favor of the privacy of the famous persons?

  part 2:

  describe an old man you are familar with.

  who he/she is?

  how you get to know him/her?

  how he/she have influence on you?


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