
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

Contractually ObligatedA legally binding requirement that requires a person or company to act in a particular way.
FluctuationThe movement of something (price) from one position or level to another.
ProjectionAn estimation of something that is expected to happen in the future. Usually based on current information or trends. Used in planning.
DedicatedSomething that is set up for a special purpose.
Bad DebtA loan or accounts receivable that is unlikely to be repaid. 
根据合同有义务的 命令某人或某公司按特定方式办事的受法律约束的要求。
波动 某物(价格)从某一位置或水平到另一位置或水平的活动。
专门的 专为某一特定目的而准备的东西。
坏账 不太可能偿还的应收账款或贷款。


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