
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

Best Efforts OfferingAn underwriting in which a bank agrees to do its best to sell the company's securities to the public.
CommissionA sum of money or a percentage paid to a broker, agent or salesman for providing services.
Initial Public Offering / IPOA company's first offer to sell its' shares to the public.
OversubscribedA situation where the overall investor demand for a new share issue exceeds the actual supply of shares available.
ProratedThe settling of an oversubscribed share issue, where the shares are distributed to investors on a proportional basis.
Rights OfferA further share issue in which the shares are only offered to existing shareholders. Can only be carried out after an IPO.
尽力代销 银行同意尽力向公众出售公司有价证券的承销行为。
首次公开发行股票/IPO 公司首次提出向公众出售其股份。
过多订购 投资商对于新发行股票的需求超过了股票实际供应的一种情况。
分摊 解决过多订购股票的办法,也就是将股票按比例分配给投资商。


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