
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

Safe Deposit BoxA fireproof metal box used for storing valuables usually kept in the vault of a bank.
PolicyA course of action for a particular task that is deemed to be correct and necessary for the continuation of business.
ProfitabilityA situation where a business or venture makes money creating financial gain or is determined to be useful.
Tailor MadeSomething that is designed and made specifically to suit the need or taste of a particular person.
Board / Board of DirectorsA group of individuals chosen by the shareholders usually through an election to govern and manage a company.
PrudentialUsing good judgment when doing something usually requires discretion.
CompetitiveA situation where a company competes on comparable (fair and equal) terms with another provider of services.
RevenueThe total sum of income from all sources before any deductions have been made.
MarginAn amount above the cost of a product. When added to the cost of the product, it will represent the sale price. 
政策 针对一项特殊任务的行动方针,这项任务对于业务的继续发展来说被视为正确的、必需的。
盈利性 一笔交易或一次投机让钱创造了经济利润或者认为是有益的势态。
定制 特别设计和制作用来满足某一特定个人的需求或口味的行为。
董事会 通常由股东选举来经管公司的一群个人。
有竞争力的 一个公司同另一个服务供应商在相当(公正平等)的条件下进行竞争的情况。
总收入 未作任何扣除之前的总进账。
毛利 产品成本之外的金额。加上产品成本就成了销售价格。


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