
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

CommitmentAn agreement by an individual or organization to complete a task within a certain timeframe.
RegistrationA process by which an owner of stock or security has the ownership officially recorded in a book or on a computer system.
Real Time Gross SettlementRTGS, a process in which both the processing and settlement of a financial transaction can take place continuously, without using specific times.
Settlement RiskThe risk where a supplier of goods or services has delivered and the buyer is unable or unwilling to pay for them.
买卖契约 个人或机构在某一时限内完成一项任务的协议。
登记 股票或有价证券持有者将其持有的对股票或有价证券的所有权正式记录在册或记录在电脑系统中的做法。
实时总结算 RTGS,没有特定时限的,连续处理和结算金融交易的过程。
结算风险 商品或服务供应商已交货,而买主无力或不愿付款的风险。


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