
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

AdequateEnough or sufficient to satisfy a requirement. Usually used when referring to a task.
AppropriateSomething that is suitable for use in a particular situation or purpose.
InsolventAn individual or company unable to repay their outstanding debts.
OffsetSomething that balances, counteracts, or compensates the effects of another thing.
Risk WeightingThe grading of the risk of holding a particular type of asset. The lower the weighting, the less chance the bank has suffering a loss.
充足的 足够或充分满足需求。通常是在涉及某项任务时使用的。
适当的 适合用于特殊场合或用途的事情。
破产的 个人或公司不能支付他们未偿还的债务。
风险权数 评估持有某种资产的风险等级。评估的越低,银行遭受损失的机会越少。


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