
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

AutonomyThe right for an organization to govern itself with total independence and without any interference from any other organization.
BarrierA condition or measure that prevents access to a certain object or place usually put in place to protect an individual, entity or company.
ImpairmentA condition resulting in the reduction in value or weakening of something.
ProvisionsSentences or clauses found in a legal document.
SpecializedA situation where an organization focuses on one particular business generally with the aim to provide a superior product or service.
壁垒 防止进入到某一物体或某个地方的条件或方法,通常放在适当位置以保护个人、机构或公司。
损失 导致价值缩减或削减某物的情况。
条款 法律文件中的文句或条款。
专业的 一个机构致力于某一特定业务以便提供高品质产品或服务的情况。


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