
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

 canned stewed pork leg 红烧元蹄罐头

  canned stewed pork slice 红烧扣肉罐头

  canned stewed pork with scallion 葱烧猪肉罐头

  canned stewed pork 红烧猪肉罐头

  canned stewed scomber 红烧马加鱼罐头

  canned stewed seabream 红烧加吉鱼罐尖

  canned stewed whale meat 红烧鲸肉罐头

  canned stewed yellow croaker 红烧黄花鱼罐头

  canned strawberry jam 草莓酱罐头

  canned strawberry syrup jelly 糖酱草莓罐头

  canned stringless green bean 青刀豆罐头

  canned sundry fruit 干果罐头

  canned tomato paste 蕃茄酱罐头

  canned tuna in brine 盐水金枪鱼罐头

  canned tuna in oil 油浸金枪鱼罐头

  canned tuna in tomato sauce 番茄汁金枪鱼罐头

  canned vegetable 蔬菜罐头

  canned vertical pack bean 竖装青刀豆罐头

  canned walnut meat 听装核桃仁

  canned water bamboo shoot 清水竹笋罐头

  canned water chestnut 清水荸荠罐头

  canned whale steak 鲸鱼肉罐头

  canned whole bean 整装青刀豆罐头

  canned whole chicken 全子鸡罐头

  canned whole duck with mushroom 香菇全鸭罐头

  canned whole grain corn 整玉米粒罐头

  canned winter bamboo shoot in water 清水冬笋罐头

  canned winter bamboo shoot 冬笋罐头

  canned yellow peach in syrup 糖水黄桃罐头

  canned young corn 玉米笋罐头

  canned {lychee} in syrup 糖水荔枝罐头

  canned {lychee} 荔枝罐头

  canned {Yunnan} ham 云腿罐头

  canned-rotor pump 密封转子泵

  cannel coal 烛煤

  cannel 烛煤

  cannele  双经棱纹绸

  cannele alternatif 交替棱条绸

  cannele cord 花式灯芯绒

  cannele simplete 简式棱条绸

  cannelle repp 细棱条绸

  cannequin 漂白棉布

  canner 装制罐头容器

  cannetille 金银线

  cannette 阔幅经棱细布

  canning fish knife 罐头鱼刀

  canning machine 装罐头机器

  canning set 装罐器具

  cannitracin 克念菌素

  Cannon 佳能牌照相机

  cannon 加农炮

  cannula 插管

  canoe 划艇

  Canonet 卡侬乃特牌照相机

  canopy 床篷

  canotier 卡诺蒂埃哔叽或斜纹

  canourge 毛哔叽

  canrenoate potassium 坎利酸钾

  cant hook 钩杆

  cant saw blunt file 三角锯锉

  cantai 坎泰细平布

  cantala 坎塔拉剑麻

  cantaloup 罗马甜瓜

  canteen 军用水壶

  Canter 奔马牌汽车

  canterbury 丝经棉纬布

  cantharides 斑蝥

  cantharidin 斑蝥素

  cantharis 斑蝥虫

  cantilever beam impact tester 悬臂梁式冲击试验机

  cantilever crane 悬臂起重机

  cantilever platform 悬臂式平台

  cantilever pump 悬臂式泵

  cantilever spring 悬臂弹簧

  cantilever type coordinate measuring machine 悬臂式三座标测量机

  cantilever valve 舌状阀

  Canton cotton 广东棉绒布

  canton crane 轻便落地吊车

  Canton crepe 广绫

  Canton flannel 广东长绒法兰绒

  Canton gauze  gambiered 莨纱

  Canton ivory carving 广州象牙雕刻

  Canton linen 广东夏布

  Canton natural steam filature 广东黄厂丝

  Canton satin 广绫

  Canton silk piece goods 广东绸缎

  Canton silk 广东生丝

  Canton white steam filature 广东白厂丝

  Canton {Feng Wei} fish 广州凤尾鱼

  canton 广东棉布

  Cantona 坎托纳半无光粘胶丝

  Cantonese sundew 锦地罗

  cantoon 厚斜纹棉布

  cantor tablet 康多尔片

  Cantrece 肯特兰斯双组分耐纶单丝或复丝

  canvas & artificial leather suitcase 人造革帆布箱

  canvas bag 帆布包

  canvas basketball shoes 帆布蓝球鞋

  canvas bed 帆布床

  canvas belt 传送带

  canvas bookbag for school boy 帆布书包

  canvas bucket 帆布桶

  canvas canoe 帆布划艇

  canvas cloth 帆布

  canvas conveyer 帆布运输机

  canvas cot 帆布床

  canvas cover 帆布面

  canvas duck 粗帆布

  canvas embroidery 帆布刺绣

  canvas gloves 帆布手套

  canvas hood 帆布罩

  canvas hose 帆布水龙带

  canvas loom 帆布织机

  canvas mittens 帆布手套

  canvas note paper 布纹书写纸

  canvas panel 帆布衬板

  canvas paste paint 帆布厚漆

  canvas rubber shoes 帆布胶底鞋

  canvas school bag 帆布书包

  canvas shoes with rubber heel 帆布胶跟鞋

  canvas shoes with rubber sole 帆布胶底鞋

  canvas shoes without cushioned insole 无垫帆布鞋


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