
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

buying power [分] 购买力 来源:考
  The value of money, as measured by the quantity and quality of products and services it can buy. Also called purchasing power. 

buying the index [证] 按指数比例购买 来源:考
  Purchasing the stocks in the S&P 500 or another index in the same proportion as the index to achieve the same return.

buyout n. [证] 收购 来源:考
  The purchase of controlling interest in one corporation by another corporation, in order to take over assets and/or operations. 

buy-sell agreement [银] 买卖协议
  An agreement used by businesses to sell the interests of a deceased owner to the remaining partners at a predetermined price or using a predetermined formula. A pact between partners in a business or shareholders in a company, obliging one to buy the other's interest (and obliging the other to sell) upon the occurrence of some event stated in the agreement. 

buy-side n. [证] 买方来源:考
  The part of the financial markets that purchase and sell securities for money management purposes, rather than for underwriting purposes. 

备注: 来源:考



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