
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

break-even analysis  [银] 盈亏分析来源:考
  A calculation of the approximate sales volume required to just cover costs, below which production would be unprofitable and above which it would be profitable. 

break-even point [证] 盈亏平衡点,保本点来源:考
  1. The price at which an option's cost is equal to the proceeds acquired by exercising the option. 2. The price at which a securities transaction produces neither a gain nor a loss. 3. The volume of sales at which a company's net sales just equals its costs.

break-even tax rate [银] 盈亏平衡税率来源:考
  The tax rate at which a person, corporation or other entity would be indifferent about entering into a proposed arrangement or conducting a proposed transaction. 

breakup value [银] 破产清理价值,折卖价值来源:考
  The value of a company if each of its parts were independent, publicly traded entities. Also called private market value (PMV). 

bridge financing [房] 过渡融资来源:考
  Financing extended to a person, company, or other entity, using existing assets as collateral in order to acquire new assets. Bridge financing is usually short-term. Also known as a "swing loan", a loan used to fill a gap in financing, often between the purchase of a new home and the sale of the old one. If the purchase closes before the sale, the home owner needs to borrow enough money to pay for the new house for the period of time before the equity in his old house comes available as a result of the completion of the sale. 
  提供给个人、公司或其他实体的融资,用现有资产作抵押来获得新资产,多为短期。亦称“swing loan”,用以填补再融资间空当的的贷款,经常用于购买新屋和卖出旧屋之间的时期。

备注: 来源:考



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