
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

attachment n. [房] 扣押,查封财产来源:考 
  The binding by a court of a piece of property (real or personal) as security for a debt. 

attest v. [房] 见证 
  To witness, to affirm to be true or genuine; to certify.

attestation n. [房] 证词 来源:考 
  A statement by a person who has witnessed another person signing a document to the effect that they did in fact witness the document. May include statements to the effect that the witness knew the person who signed personally, that the person who signed understood the contents of the document when he signed etc. Required in some states for deeds. 

attorney in fact [房] 委托代理人,事实代理人来源:考  
  A person who holds a Power of Attorney for another person, which gives the Attorney the power to act on behalf of that other person and bind that other person. 

attorney's opinion of title [房] 律师产权意见书 来源:考 
  A statement of a lawyer's conclusions with regard to the state of the legal title of a property, issued after the lawyer has completed the appropriate investigations of title. 


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