
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

arm’s length transactions [特] 公平交易来源:考 
  A colloquial description of a transaction where none of the parties are related to each other or have common interests -- they have each other at "arm's length". An arms-length transaction is generally at fair market value; in a "non-arm's-length" transaction, the relationship between the parties may cause one or the other to accept less than they are entitled or pay more than fair market value. 
  一项产品的买方与卖方独立进行交易,互相之间并无任何关系,是指买卖双方为满足各自的经济利益所达成的正常买卖交易。一种口语的表达法,表示交易各方相互没有关系或具有共同利益,他们互相之间有“一臂之遥” 。

arm's length transaction [房] 公平交易来源:考 
  A colloquial description of a transaction where none of the parties are related to each other or have common interests -- they have each other at "arm's length". An arms-length transaction is generally at fair market value; in a "non-arm's-length" transaction, the relationship between the parties may cause one or the other to accept less than they are entitled or pay more than fair market value. 
  一种口语的表达法,表示交易各方相互没有关系或具有共同利益,他们互相之间有“一臂之遥” 。

arrearage n. [银] 欠款,逾期红利来源:考  
  1. An amount of an obligation which is past. 2. For a bond or preferred share, overdue interest or dividends. 
  1. 过期债务的金额。2. 债券或优先股的过期利息或红利。来源:考

arrears n. [房] 欠款来源:考 
  Money which is not paid when due, under a payment plan or amortization schedule. Could lead to enforcement of loan agreement by lender
arrears n. [银] 拖欠 
  The unpaid portion of a serial bond at maturity. 


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