

英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 
affordability analysis 购买住宅能力分析A detailed examination of an individual‘s ability to afford a house, taking into consideration income, liabilities, available funds, mortgage type, home price and closing costs. 
Affordability index 支持指数 1.美国房地产经纪人对消费者购买住宅能力所编制的指数。指数100代表该消费者的购屋能力为全国收入的平均值,恰可承担一般房屋的抵押贷款。
2.A measure of the financial ability of U.S. families to buy a house. 100 means that families earning the national median income have just the amount of money needed to qualify for a mortgage on a median-priced home; higher than 100 means they have more than enough and lower than 100 means they have less than enough.
affregate supply 总和供给 总体经济学上指在一段期间内,各种价格之下对应的财货与劳务供给总数量。也称为总产出(total output)。 
After acquired clause 事后取得条款 1.在抵押贷款契约内载明抵押人(mortgagor)在契约签定后所取得任何可供抵押的资产,均可自动成为原抵押契约之承押人(mortgagee)的附加抵押品。这类条款对于承押人提供较大之保障,对抵押人之债信等级之提高与借款利率之降低有直接的帮助。
2.A clause in a mortgage contract specifying if the mortgagor acquires additional mortgageable property after the mortgage is signed, such property will be treated as additional collateral for the mortgage.
after sight 见票后 指汇票受票人(即付款人)于见到汇票提交起若干日才须付款的贸易条件,是一种计算汇票到期日的用语。 
after-acquired collateral 附属担保 A provision in an agreement that automatically collateralizes certain assets acquired after the agreement. 
after-hours trading 业余时间交易 The practice of buying and selling securities during a period of time when the major markets are officially closed. Once reserved for institutional investors, individual investors may now participate. Stocks are traded after hours on ECNs, which match buyers and seller with a computer system in order to execute trades. 
Aftermarket 相继市场 次级市场 发行后市场 1.证券首次公开发行之后,在场外或交易所交易的市场。
2.A market in which an investor purchases a security from another investor rather than the issuer, subsequent to the original issuance in the primary market. also called secondary market.
参考:secondary market  [次级市场] 
after-tax 税后 1.扣除所得税以后的收益额或收益率。例如,税后收益(after-tax income)和税后投资收益率(after-tax rate of return)可以反映企业或投资人的实际收益水平。
2.An amount (usually income) after taxes have been subtracted.
after-tax basis 按税后 The comparison of investment returns after factoring in the tax consequences, such as when comparing the return on a taxable corporate bond with the return on a tax-exempt municipal bond. 


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