
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09



1.C. She is not sure she can pass on the message.

2.D. Hold the ladder for him

3.B. He'd like some coffee

4.C. He might get fired

5.D. Tony's wife

6.A. He was fined for runing a red light

7.C. He finds reward more effective than punishment.

8.B. At the dentist's

9.B. He doesn't agree with the woman's remark

10.A. It was applaudable

11.B. Medical care

12.C. Her determination to fulfill her dream

13.B. To help disabled children there.

14.D. In a small village in Chile.

15.A. By expanding their minds and horizons

16.D. She made outstanding contributions to children's education

17.A. She won the 1945 Nobel Prize in Literature

18.C. How animals protect themselves against predators.

19.B. Its plan-like appearance

20.A. It helps improve their safety


21. D Showing violence is thought to be entertaining

22. B Most studies exaggerate the effect of media violence on the viewers

23. C assert a direct link between violent media and aggressive behavior

24. D their definition of violence

25. A More studies should be conducted before conclusions are drawn

26. A A quarter of Americans can't afford their prescription drubs.

27. D excercising price control on brand-name drugs

28. B High prices are essential to funding research on new drugs

29. C To allow the vast majority to enjoy its benefits.

30. C Reducing supplies to uncooperative Canadian pharmacies

31. A offering senior citizens discounts has become rountine commercial practice

32. C  The elderly ,being finacially underprivileged,need humane help from society

33. B intensify conflicts between the young and the old

34. C It benefits the old at the expense of the young

35. D Senior citizen discounta may well be a type of age discrimination

36. A crime against humanity

37. B prejudice against minority groups

38. C There is no guarantee for blacks to exercise their rights

39. D has been accmulated from generations of slavery

40. B Inequality of many kinds remains virtually untouched


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