
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

Unit one
1.A budget of five dollars a day is totally      for a trip round Europe .
A  inadequate   B  incapable   C  incompatible  D  invalid
2.The winners of the football championship ran off the field carrying the silver cup      .来源:www.examda.com
A turbulently  B tremendously  C  triumphantly  D  tentatively
3. The prospect of increased prices has  already         worries.
A provoked   B  irritated   C  inspired  D  hoisted
4. He attends to the         of important business himself .
A  transaction  B transition  C  transmission D transformation
5. He said that they had       been obliged to give up the scheme for lack of support .
A gravely   B regrettably   C forcibly   D  graciously
6. Out of       revenge , he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation .
A  perfect   B  total   C  sheer   D  integral
7. The prisoner was       of his civil liberty for three years .
A  discharged  B  derived   C  deprived   D  dispatched
8. There is a        difference in meaning between the words surrounding and environment .
A gentle   B  subtle   C  feeble   D  humble来源:www.examda.com
9. In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed       in Chicago and New York City.
A  homogeneously    B simultaneously  C  spontaneously  D harmoniously
10. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged         how great their achievements are .
A in spite of   B  in ways of   C  in favor of  D in terms of
11. What the correspondents sent us is an      news report . We can depend on it .
A  evident   B  authentic  C  ultimate  D  immediate
12. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a       of its economy .来源:www.examda.com
A reaction    B  reflection  C response   D  revelation
13.A most       argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in .
A  trivial   B delicate  C minor   D  miniature.
14. During the construction of skyscrapers ,cranes are used to      building materials to the upper floors .
A   toss    B  tow   C   hoist   D   hurl 
15.The       on this apartment expires in a year’s time .
A  treaty   B  lease   C  engagement   D  subsidy
16. Professor Hawking is       as one of the world’s greatest living physicists.
A  clarified   B  dignified  C  illustrated    D  acknowledged
17.The doctor don’t      that he will live much longer.
A  manifest   B  articulate  C  anticipate  D  monitor
18. They have decided to      physical punishment in all local schools .
A  pass away  B break away from  C put away D  do away with
19. The helicopter      a light plane and both pilots were killed .
A  coincided with  B  stumbled on C tumbled to D collided with
20. Very few people understood his lecture ,the subject of which was very      .
A  intelligible  B  obscure  C dim  D  conspicuous  
21. Ever since the rise of industrialism , education has been       towards producing workers.
A  harnessed  B hatched  C  motivated  D  geared
22. It took us only a few hours to       the paper off four walls .
A  chip   B  shear  C  stroke   D  scrape
23. Although the colonists        to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive .
A migrated   B  matched C  mingled   D  melted
24. In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the       of fine china attracted much attention of customs from all over the world .
A  succession  B  array  C  string   D  procession
25.If nothing is done to protect the environment ,millions of species that are alive today will have become      .
A  deteriorated   B degenerated   C  suppressed  D extinct
26. Mike just discovered that his passport had       three months ago.
A  abolished  B expired   C  amended  D  constrained
27. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure . Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being       .
A  laid out  B  laid off   C laid down  D  laid aside
28.We must look beyond      and assumptions and try to discover what is missing .
A justification  B illusions   C  manifestations  D  specifications来源:www.examda.com
29.This book is expected to      the best-seller lists .
A  exemplify   B  promote  C  prevail   D  dominate
30.A good education is an       you can fall back on for the rest of your life.
A  ethic    B  asset   C   inventory  D  obligation
1-----10    ACAAB  CCBBD来源:www.examda.com
11----20    BBACB  DCDDB
21----30    DDCBD  BBBDB


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