
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

1. Specialized households sprang up like      .
A bamboo shoots B mushrooms C tendencies  D myths
2. We need to impose some kind of order     the way we do things in the office.
A on  B for  C in  D at
3 The abusive parents       the child of proper nutrition .
A  disposed  B freed  C expected D deprived
4. The United Nations is supposed to       the role of global peace-keeper.
A act  B  work   C  undertake   D  pursue 来源:www.examda.com
5. I have published my        about the future of the universe in the Review of Modern Physics .
 A  speculations   B illusions   C  considerations   D declarations
6. The companies declared themselves      equal opportunity employers.
A  /   B as   C  as being  D  to being
7. We were accused of exaggerating before , but unfortunately all our reports       to be true .
A  are proved   B  have been proved  C  had been proved D prove
8. Even a present could not cheer up the       child .
A  depress   B  depressed  C  depressing  D  depression
9. The Great Depression occurred in the       of the 1930s
A   year   B years  C  decade   D decades 
10. Geneticists  in Canada have discovered a (n)      to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die .
A  evidence  B  method   C  clue  D  way
Key  1----10   BADCA      ADBCC来源:www.examda.com
11.I bought these shoes cheaply because they have slight     in them.
A  faults   B  demerits  C defects  D mistakes
12.Your request for a housing benefit has been     .
A given  B dismayed C  established  D  granted
13. Though they all live nearby, I lost       with them really quickly.
A  contact   B contract   C  contrast  D  contest
14.Once asleep his face wore a look of       .来源:www.examda.com
A  content  B contentment  C  contend   D  contention
15. Never       until tomorrow what you can do today .
A  put off  B put out  C put down  D  put away
16. The      craftsman sold his work for a high price.
A  liberal   B fluent  C  talented  D  prime
Key:11-16 CDABAC


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