
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

以 “g”开头的核心词汇
Gloomy  a. 暗淡的,
In spite of      the economic forecasts,manufacturing output has risen slightly.(01.1.48)
A  gloomy   B  miserable   C  shadowy   D  obscure
In spite of      the economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.(05.6.38)
A   faint    B  dizzy    C  gloomy    D  opaque
Greasy   a. 油腻的
If you work under a car repairing it, you often get very      .(2000.1.56)
A  waxy   B  slippery   C  sticky   D  greasy
Grieve  v.  使伤心,使悲伤
The little girl was      by the death of her dog since her affection for the pet had been real and deep.((01.6.55)来源:www.examda.com
A  grieved    B  suppressed   C  oppressed   D  sustained
Gear  (to)  使适应,使适合
Even since the rise of the industrialism, education has been      towards producing workers.(2000.6.59)
A  harnessed     B  hatched   C motivated   D  geared
Gaze  (at)   凝视,注视
Being short-sighted,she had the habit of     at people.(97.1.58)
A  glancing  B  peering   C  gazing  D  scanning
Glitter v.  闪闪发光
1.Her jewelry      under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball.(03.1.57)
A  glared   B  glittered   C  blazed   D  dazzled  
2.When she heard the bad news, her eyes      with tears as she struggled to control her emotions.(04.1.54)
A  sparkled    B  twinkled   C  radiated   D  glittered
Gleam.  V 发光.   A  gleam of hope (一线希望)
They couldn’t see a       of hope that they would be saved by a passing ship.(05.1.63)
A  grain   B  span   C  slice   D  gleam
Gossip  n.  v.  流言蜚语,说长道短的人
George enjoys talking about people’s private affairs. He is a      .(03.9.44)来源:www.examda.com
A   solicitor   B coward   C  coward   D  rebel
Galaxy  .星系
Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant     .(04.1.64)
A  paradoxes   B  paradises  C  galaxies   D  shuttles
Grope .  摸着走路来源:www.examda.com
He blew out the candle and     his way to the door.(03.1.69)
A converged  B  groped  C  strove   D  wrenched
Guilt  n. 犯罪
The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accused man’s     .(96.1.67)
A  mistake    B  guilt   C  fault  D  defect 


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