
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

以 “O” 开头的核心词汇
Obscure a. 难懂的;使---模糊
1.The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many      references.(97.1.61)
A  obscure   B  acute   C  notable  D  objective
2.Very few people understand his lecture, the subject of which was very      .(2000.1.66)
A  dim   B  obscure   C  conspicuous  D  intelligent
3.Very few people understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very  
A  obscure   B  indefinite  C  dubious   D  intriguing
4.Very few people understand his lecture because the subject was very      .(06.1.63)
A  faint   B  obscure   C  gloomy   D  indefinite
5. Often such arguments have the effect of     rather than clarifying the issues involved.(03.1.70)
A  obscuring   B  prejudicing  C  tackling   D  blocking
Obedient  a.  顺从的
In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and      in the classroom.(01.1.47)
A  skeptical   B  faithful  C  obedient   D  subsidiary来源:www.examda.com
Soldiers act in       to the orders of their officers.
A  obligation    B  objection  C  obedience   D  offense
Students are expected to be quiet and      in an Asian classroom. (04.1.44)
A  obedient  B  overwhelming C skeptical  D  subsidiary
Ornament  n. 装饰品
The Christmas tree was decorated with shining      such as colored lights and glass balls.(01.1.35)
A  ornaments   B  luxuries  C  exhibits   D  complements
Optimistic  a. 乐观的
I am afraid that you have to alter your     views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived. (99.6.44)
A  indifferent   B  distressing  C  optimistic   D  pessimistic
Obligation n.  (法律或道义上的)责任
 Parents have a legal      to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.(97.6.52)
A  impulse  B  influence   C  obligation  D  sympathy
Originate  v.  首创,起源
The person who       this type of research deserves our praise.((95.6.56)
A  generated   B  manufactured   C  originated  D  estimated
The design of this auditorium shows a great of      . We have never seen such a building before.(03.6.53)
A  invention  B illusion  C  originality  D  orientation
Overlap v. 部分重叠来源:www.examda.com
 When you put up wallpaper, should you       the edges or put them next to each other?(2000.6.66)
A  coincide   B  extend  C overlap   D  collide
Overwhelm  v  压倒,(使感情上)受不了
Of the housands of known volcanoes in the world, the      majority are inactive.(97.1.59)
A  tremendous    B  demanding  C  intensive   D  overwhelming
Of the immigrants who came to America in the first three quarters of the seventeenth century, the       majority was English.
A  overflowing   B  overwhelming  C  overtaking   D  overloading
I was      by their kindness and moved to tears.((95.6.54)
A  preoccupied  B  overwhelmed  C  embarrassed  D  counseled
You cannot imagine how       I feel with my duties sometimes.(04.6.50)
A  overflowed   B  overthrows  C  overwhelmed  D  overturned
Oppress  v.  压迫
For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly      by a dictator.(2000.6.58)
A  depressed  B immersed  C  oppressed  D  cursed
Occupy v 占领,使忙碌
Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her     for a whole week.(98.6.44)
A  constrained  B  dominated  C  restricted  D  occupied
Overlook  v.  忽略
Henry went through the documents again carefully for fear of      any important data.(04.6.66)
A  relaying   B overlooking C  deleting  D  revealing


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