
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

 Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.This pair of boots cost much less than yours for I bought them when the department store made a ____ of the stored 
A. clearance B. reduction C. fortune D. deal
2.Lacking ____ political goals, the two parties quarrelled away.
A. intricate B. coherent C. intrinsic D. distinct
3.I’m afraid that we might ____ some opposition to implement the daring plan.
A. come across B. come up against
C. come at D. come up with
4.A monument was built to ____ those who died in the civil war.
A. congratulate B. remind 
C. commemorate D. memorize
5.Working far away from his home, he had to ____ from Oxford to London every day.
A. commute B. wander C. ramble D. motion
6.A train is not ____ to a plane for speed.
A. equivalent B. equal 
C. comparable D. agreeable
7.The couple has divorced as they are not ____.
A. friendly B. sociable
C. easygoing D. compatible
8.Growing too fast and lacking efficiency, our firm is no longer ____ in world market.
A. competitive B. qualified 
C. complicated D. identical
9.The teacher ____ the book to his students for its wide coverage.
A. commended B. commented
C. promoted D. upheld
10.We have made a ____ to pay our bid on time.
A. commitment B. responsibility 
C. commission D. commentary
11.The father ____ with his son to be less trouble to his mother.
A. pleaded B. pledged
C. petitioned D. prayed
12.The examination ____ me completely and I couldn’t answer it.
A. augmented B. baffled 
C. assimilated D. banned
13.The stream was ____ after the heavy rain.
A. flushing B. blushing C. foaming D. gasping
14.Few teams can ____ such a good record in European football.
A. flatter B. boast C. brood D. buffer
15.The advertising campaign is intended to ____ sales.
A. boom B. brace C. bunch D. boost
16.With her management skills and his marketing expertise, they make a ____ combination.
A. bleak B. formidable 
C. brutal D. finite
17.Our household ____ is 800 yuan a month and we always try not to go beyond it.
A. resource B. budget 
C. assessment D. asset
18.Although the two players are ____ in the tennis court, they are really good friends.
A. partners B. companions
C. enemies D. rivals 
19.The ____ wind in this area is from the southwest.
A. controlling B. prevailing 
C. persisting D. reigning
20.The climbers ____ their greatest ambition by reaching the summit of the mountain.
A. realized B. retained C. obtained D. maintained
21.____ should always be less than income if you hope to live an easy life.
A. Earnings B. Outcome
C. Expenditures D. Compensation
22.The mental commodity most in demand will be practical wisdom rather than specialized ____.
A. experiment B. expertise
C. witness D. cleverness
23.Both Chinese traditions and Japanese customs are culture.
A. occidental B.western
C. oriental D. oval
24.If you get into a bath full of water,some of the water will ____ onto the floor.
A. overlap B. overflow C. flourish D. flutter
25.A witness gave ____ that the accused was drunk at that time.
A. testimony B. harmony C. monopoly D. report
26.Armed with the right tools and materials, the newlyweds(新婚夫妇) gaily ____ on the task of decorating their own home.
A. embarked B. turned C. reclaimed D. resumed
27.Only a fool would ____ his life’s savings on the Stock Exchange in the hope of making easy money.
A. gear B. descend C. gamble D. rely
28.Would you mind telling me what’s amusing you? You’ve been sitting there ____ from ear to ear for the past ten minutes.
A. groaning B. mourning C. smiling D. grinning
29.When I saw their ____ faces, I knew something went wrong.
A. damp B. gray C. dull D. gloomy
30.The department is ____ up for an increased intake of students.
A. gearing B. arranging C. planning D. limbering


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