
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

 Unit 1 近义词练习(一)

  1. The ship Titanic had been given the extra name of "unsinkable" because its ____ was the best there was.

  A.manufacture B.production C.erection D.construction

  2. The US dollar is traditionally the ____ of choice all over the world in case of crisis.

  A.money B.currency C.bill D.cash

  3. The education provides them ____ to economic progress.

  A.admission B.acceptance C.approach D.access

  4. Japan has ____ its steps toward putting into effect an international treaty banning chemical weapons.

  A.hurried B.bustled C.accelerated D.rushed

  5. The motion of ocean water ____ at different depths below the surface.

  A.varies B.modifies C.alters D.differs

  6. Health experts ____ leisurely meals.

  A.introduce B.recommend C.present D.comment


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