
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

  Directions: For this pari, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Trying to Renew Knowledge You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

  Trying to Renew Knowledge

  Today's society is of knowledge economy age. in which new knowledge emerges much faster than ever before. Moreover, knowledge plays an important part in the whole economy. Therefore, everyone finds it necessary to renew his (or her) knowledge, otherwise he (or her) will be left behind the society.

  There are some ways to update knowledge. On the one hand, one can attend different courses at all types of schools. either part-time or full-time. On the other hand, self-study is. in a sense, a more convenient and by which one can effectively renew his (or her) knowledge.

  In my view. I have primarily depended on self-taught method in the recent years. Although I am busy doing daily work. I still insist on teaching myself at night. not only keep up with the swift development of society but also apply new knowledge to my practical work, which benefits me a lot.


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