
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08


M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, don’t you?
W: Yes, I’m…I’ve been here ten years as assistant director.
M: Really? What does that involve?
W: Well, I’m in charge of all the admissions of postgraduate students in the university.
M: Only postgraduates?
W: Yes, postgraduates only. I have nothing at all to do with undergraduates.
M: Do you find that you get particular…sort of…different national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Latin America or…
W: Yes. Well, of all the students enrolled last year, nearly half were from overseas. They were from African countries, the Far East, the Middle East, and Latin America.
M: Em. But have you been doing just that for the last 10 years, or, have you done other things?
W: Well, I’ve been doing the same job. Er, before that, I was secretary of the medical school at Birmingham, and further back, I worked in the local government.
M: Oh, I see.
W: So I’ve done different types of things.
M: Yes, indeed. How do you imagine your job might develop in the future? Can you imagine shifting into a different kind of responsibility or doing something…
W: Oh, yeah, from October 1, I’ll be doing an entirely different job. There’s going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students, unfortunately…I’ll miss my contact with students.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard:

23. What is the woman’s present position?
24. What do we learn about the postgraduates enrolled last year in the woman’s university?
25. What will the woman’s new job be like?
第一题和第三题分别出在文章首、末,符合一直以来的考察特点。而第二句可以根据答案推测和外国学生有关,因此专注听到提问部分:M: Do you find that you get particular…sort of…different national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Latin America or…即可知后文的答案的出现。








44. At their worst, /they may threaten to take their children out of college, /or cut off funds.
45. think it only right and natural /that they determine /what their children do with their lives.
46. who are now young adults, /must be the ones responsible for /what they do /and what they are.



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