
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08

Organization Saves Time and Energy
1. 学习和工作负担十分繁重。
2. 如何采取措施来应付这种情况。
3. 合理安排可以提高工作效率。

Sometimes there are so many things for you to deal with and you feel it is beyond your capacity to fulfill all these tasks. When work has accumulated to that point, you can take certain steps to help yourself out.

Firstly, list all the jobs that must be done and decide which one requires immediate attention. Secondly, divide the work into separate parts so it will be easier for you to see whether each part is being accomplished as desired. Working in this way you will avoid a feeling of depression as you see concrete achievements. Finally, assign each task a certain amount of time, so that the task will be carried out systematically.

If you are realistic and allow yourself a little extra time for each task, you will find that all the work will be done according to the time as assigned and a sense of accomplishment will replace the anxiety you felt at first.




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