
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-08

 Part Ⅱ
Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)
Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage
is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For
each of them there are four choices marked A), B),C) and
D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line
through the center. 
Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:
Many people seem to think that science fiction is typified
by the Bug-eyed Monster,embodying every feature that most
people find repulsive.This is unfortunate because it
degrades a worthwhile literary endeavor. Instead, the basic
interest of science fiction lies in the relation between
man and his technology and between man and the universe.
Science fiction is a literature of change and a literature
of the future, and the aspects of human life that it
considers make it well worth reading and studying for no
other literary form does quite the same things. What is
science fiction? To begin, the following definition should
be helpful: science fiction is a literary subgenre which
postulates(以…为前提) a change (for human beings) from
conditions as we know them and follows the implications of
these changes to a conclusion.
The first point that science fiction is a literary sub
genre-is a very important one, but one which is often
overlooked or ignored in most discussions of science
fiction. Specifically, science fiction is either a short
story or a novel. There are only a few dramas which could
be called science fiction, the body of poetry that might be
labeled science fiction is only slightly larger. To say
that science fiction is a subgenre of prose fiction is to
say that it has all the basic characteristics and serves
the same basic functions in much the same way as prose
fiction in general, that is, it shares a great deal with
all other novels and short stories.
Everything that can be said about prose fiction, in
general, applies to science fiction. Every piece of science
fiction, whether short story or novel, must have a
narrator, a story, a plot, the themes of science fiction
are concerned with interpreting man’s nature and
experience in relation to the world around him. Themes in
science fiction are constructed and presented in exactly
the same ways that themes are dealt with in any other kind
of fiction. They are the result to a particular combination
of a narrator, story, plot, character, setting, and
language. In short, the reasons for reading and enjoying
science fiction, and the ways of studying and analyzing it,
are basically the same as they would be for any other story
or novel.
21.From the first paragraph, we can infer that science
fiction has been most popular in the 20th century because
A) with the growth of literacy, the size of the reading
public has increased
B) competition from television has created a demand for
more exciting fiction
C) science fiction is easier to understand than other kinds
of fiction
D) the increased importance of technology has given science
fiction an increased relevance

22.According to the definition in the passage, a fictional
work that places human beings in a prehistoric world
inhabited by dinosaurs____.
A) cannot be called science fiction because it does not
deal with the future
B) cannot be called science fiction because it doesn’t
deal with technology
C) can be called science fiction because it deals with man
’s relation to the world 
D) can be called science fiction because it places people
in an environment different from the one we know

23. Science fiction is called a literary subgenre because____.
A) it is not important enough to be a literary genre
B) it cannot be made into a dramatic presentation
C) it shares characteristics with other types of prose
D) it has its limits

24.One implication of the final sentence in the passage is
A) the reader should turn next to commentaries on general
B) there is no reason for any reader not to like science


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