
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

In a move to safeguard thousands of jobs, China declared it will scrap - after only 10 days - its sharply increased export duties on Chinese-made textiles.The withdrawal comes after Washington and the European Union clamped more restrictions on Chinese exports, which China said are "unfair and incorrect."

Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai told a news briefing yesterday that export tariffs on 81 categories of textile products will be lifted, including the 74 for which 400 per cent increases were announced.The latest restrictions imposed by the US side will affect US$2 billion worth of Chinese exports and 160,000 jobs, while the EU action will lead to a loss of US$300 million exports and corresponding jobs.

"Behind each category of product in question, some 1,000 to 6,000 Chinese enterprises would feel the pinch ," Bo said."We have to make corresponding policy adjustment since the EU and the US have set controls on Chinese textile exports," said Bo.

"We must be fair to Chinese producers."To ease the concerns of trade partners, the Finance Ministry unveiled on May 20 a staggering 400 per cent increase on export tariffs on 74 classes of products starting on June 1.



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