

105. Capriati 在半决赛中打败了失误频频的Williams.
      Capriati beat an error-prone Williams in the semifinal.
106. 供电问题将再次引起关注。
      Power supply problems will become front-page news once again.
Power supply problems will hit front page once again.
107. 泰国的经济问题加剧了。
      Thailand's economic problems were compounded.
108. 我根本没法相信他。
      There’s nowhere I can believe him.
109. 绅士应当为女士叫出租车。
      Gentlemen should hail taxis for ladies.
109. 她正努力进入最佳状态。
      She is trying to get in top shape.
110. 她太害羞了,不敢和他搭话。
      She's too shy to strike up a conversation with him.
111. 别再理会那些事儿。
      Just don't give those another thought.
112. Saya正在步姐姐的后尘。
      Saya's following in her sister's footsteps.
113. 一些妇女吃阿司匹林以防(避开)乳腺癌。
      Some women take aspirin to ward off breast cancer.
114. 他们没有打算解散。
      They are not planning to go separate ways.
115. 损失巨大。
      The damage and losses have been of such magnitude.
116. Spadea被对手打败了。
      Spadea was outplayed by his opponent.
117. 两个人相差4岁。
      The two are 4 years apart.
118. 这将是极大的视觉享受/这将是一场视觉的盛宴。
      This will be a feast for eyes.
119. 我们的军队需要恢复士气。
      Our army needs to restore its morale.
120. 他总是努力保持低调。
      He always tries to keep a low profile.来源
121. 他是全队的核心。
      He's the nucleus of the team.
122. 之后不久,里根离开了公众的视线。
      Reagan faded from public view a short time later.
123. 他曾在一个百老汇演出中扮演一位连环杀手。
      He portrayed a serial killer in a Broadway show.
124. 我胃难受。
      My stomach is upset.
125. 她喜欢搬弄是非。
      She loves to peddle gossip.
126. 警方已经尾随他四个街区了。
      The police have been tailing him four blocks.
127. 你真影响情绪。
      You're such a moodkiller.
128. 不要让同样的事情降临到你的身上。
      Do not let the same thing befall you.
129. 《我将永远爱你》是Whitney Houston的招牌歌曲。
       'I Will Always Love You' is Whitney Houston's signature song.
130. 你还是做好最坏的打算。
      Prepare yourself for the worst.
131. 他边说,边强忍泪水。
      He said, fighting back tears.
132. 吃晚饭的时候,我宣布了这个重大的消息。
      I broke the big news at dinner.
133. 妈妈在15岁的时候开始在暗房里学习如何洗照片。
      Mom started to learn how to develop pictures in the darkroom, when she was 15.
134. 她喜欢吃甜食.
      She's got a sweet tooth.
135. 这坏消息令我震惊不已。
      I was floored by the bad news.
136. 糟糕的笑话会适得其反。
      Bad jokes can backfire.
137. 我这会儿脑子里想着各种各样的事情。
      All kinds of stuff is running through my head now.
138. 机遇四处都有,但它转瞬即逝。
      Opportunity is everywhere, but it is fleet of foot.
139. 他为该报弄到所有的头号独家新闻。
      He got all the big scoops for the paper.
140. 她也曾经历过许多磨难。
      She has had her own share of hard times.
141. 这叫做急于求成。
      It's called jumping the gun.
142. 我装作很酷的样子。/我假装没当回事儿。
      I played it cool.
143. 你能扭转自己的命运。
      You can reverse your fate.
144. 我并不是想打击你们。
      I didn't mean to bring you down.
145. 那让我吃了一惊。
      It took me by surprise.
146. Diana是个耐不住性子的人。
      Diana has a quick temper.
147. 她想在自己的第一张专辑中尝试各种不同曲风。
      She plans to cover a wide range of styles on her first album.
148. 他的歌唱事业已经暂时搁浅。
        His singing career has been put on hold.
149. 他的观点受到许多专家的支持。
        His view was seconded by many experts.
150. 她是一位典型的拥有魔鬼身材的美女。
        She is a classic beauty with a killer body.
151. 她在《我最好朋友的婚礼》中和Julia Roberts演对手戏。
        She starred opposite Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding.
152. 14、5岁的时候,她开始环球旅行。
         By her mid-teens, she began her round-the-world trip.
153. 他曾经与很多爵士乐的传奇人物合作过。
        He ever played with a bunch of jazz legends.
154. 她丈夫的暴力倾向开始浮出水面。
        Clues about her husband's violent side began to surface.
155. 他的转会已经引起了媒体的关注。
        His transfer has caught media's attention.
156. 我不是在指指点点。
        I'm not pointing fingers.
157. 肯尼迪家族决定扎根在波士顿。
        The Kennedys decided to sink their roots in Boston.
158. 我们的父母亲为婚礼支付了费用。
        Our parents footed the bill for the wedding.
159. 我们会玩得很高兴的。
        We'll make a day of it!
160. 14岁的时候,妈妈告诉他John Astin不是他的生父。
        When he was 14, his mother told him that John Astin was not his         biological father.
161. 在大片《Collateral》中,Tom Cruise饰演一位职业杀手。
        In the thriller Collateral, Tom Cruise plays a contract killer.
162. 那不过是冰山一角。
        That's just a tip of iceberg.
163. 我的父母对我的决定感到惊讶。
        My Parents raised their eyebrows at my decision.
164. 她还和Paris Hilton共同出演The Simple Life.
        She also shares the screen with Paris Hilton on The Simple Life.
165. The Simple Life为Nicole赢得的声誉使她脱颖而出。
        The fame that The Simple Life earned her allowed Nicole to branch out.
166. 她的成长阶段是在洛杉矶度过的。
        Her formative years were spent in Los Angeles.
167. 你会屈尊和他一般见识吗?
        Will you condescend to argue with him?
168. 他因为双误先失掉一分。
        He lost the first point by double-faulting.
169. 这可能会增加癌症复发的可能。
        This might increase the possibility of having a cancer recurrence.
170. 她是Jude Law的现任情人。
        She's Jude Law's current bed warmer.
171. 我得到外面透透气。(口语)
      I need to get some air outside.
172. 她在本周的仰泳比赛中排名第8。
        She placed eighth in the backstroke this week.
173. 4年前,中国在悉尼破纪录地收获了28枚金牌。
        China reaped a record 28 golds in Sydney four years ago.
174. 他三次破掉了Hewitt的发球局。
        He broke Hewitt's serve three times.
175. 这出戏是个失败。
        The play is a flop.
176. 别胡说!(口语)
        Cut your crap!
177. Marian Jones挺进跳远决赛。
        Marion Jones advanced to the final of the long jump.
178. 她经常上电视。
        She makes television appearances quite often.
179. 本月的利润创历史新低。
        Profits have hit a new low this month.
180. 你应该好好考虑那件事。(口语)
        You should give that a lot of thought.
181. 这部群星荟萃的电影是由Peter Jackson导演的。
        The star-studded film is directed by Peter Jackson.
182. 快点说。(带点不耐烦)
        Spit it out.
183. 站在那儿,他的眼睛模糊了。
        His eyes misted as he stood there.
184. 花那么多钱买辆自行车可不是他的作风。
        Spending so much on a bike is out of character for him.
185. 旅游业是这一地区的命脉。
      Tourism is the area's lifeblood.
     Former US President Bill Clinton's long-awaited memoirs will go on sale in June.
     Bottoms up!
     Children prefer strawberry-flavored yogurt.
     The total retail sales volume in Beijing kept a double-digit growth in April.
     I've never used foul language.
     He studied me from head to toe.
    The book is such a page burner.
    The company has been in belt-tightening mode these days.
       I was taken for a ride.
     The film scared the hell out of me.
     I used to play hide and seek with my friends here.
        Kelly kicked off his long-awaited world tour in Chicago.
     Those twentysomething boys decided to form a band.
     The track became a massive success.
     Winter is the off-season for tourism.
     You've got me wrong.


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