
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

  ①W:I intend to buy some fruits for the children. These apples and
  pears seem to be in season. I'll get two dozen of each.
  M: I hope they're as good as they look.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  A. The apples and pears might no be so good.
  B. The apples are not as good as the pears.
  C. The apples and pears are very good.
  D. The apples and pears are as good as they look.
  ②W:If this weather keeps up, I'm going to have to buy a warmer
  M:Sounds like a good idea. Spring is still a long way off, you
  Q:What does the man mean?
  A. The woman should wait to buy new clothes.
  B. The cold weather will probably continue.
  C. The weather will warm up soon.
  D. He already has a warm coat.
  Sounds like a good idea说明了语气的不可能,答案应该是B.
  ① W: It's a wonderful film, isn't it?
  M: You can say that again.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  A. He agrees with the woman.
  B. He didn't hear what the woman said.
  C. He is surprised by her opinion.
  D. He thinks she should look at it again.
  ② M: This is the longest assignment we've had all semester.
  W: You're telling me. We'll be lucky if we can do half of it.
  Q: What does the woman say about the assignment?
  A. She has done half of it already.
  B. She agrees that it is very long.
  C. They have all semester to do it.
  D. There's nothing wrong with it.
  You said it.
  You can say that again.
  You are telling me.
  You may/might well say so.
  I'll say.
  I couldn't agree more.
  1) 注意把握首尾句,从整体上理解全文,这同样有利于主题题的解答。
  2) 听前阅读选项,增加听的目的性和针对性。
  3) 听时记笔记,以掌握文章的主要细节内容。
  4) 根据不同的听力材料采用不同的听力技巧。如故事性的文章一般可以边听边划答案,标出故事中提到的信息;说明文要注意要说明的主题是什么,支撑细节有哪些。
  5) 做完后通读所有答案,看是否能相互说明,成为一个整体。


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