
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25



Premier: We know the international news media are following the situation in Lhasa. What I want to tell you is that the incident in Lhasa has been basically resolved and Lhasa will be open. We will consider organizing visit to Lhasa by foreign media to find out how things are there.


Bloomberg News: This morning, the stock markets in the Asian region all plummeted. Shanghai Stock Exchange witnessed a 3% decline and Hong Kong 1.7% decline. The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Japanese yen hit a 12 year low, and the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar has reached a historical high since 2005. China needs to seek a balance in its economic development this year. What kind of monetary policy and foreign exchange rate policy will you adopt to get this balance so that China can maintain economic growth at an appropriate rate and at the same time take its due responsibilities when the world economy is in a downturn? We recall that during the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, China was quite a reassuring force for Asia by not devaluing the RMB. Now that the world economy is again in a downturn, will China take even more significant steps to liberalize the RMB exchange rate?


Premier: The recent sub-prime crisis in the United States has led to the devaluation of the dollar. The Federal Reserve has lowered interest rate on several occasions. The oil price remains high, hitting 110 dollar per barrel. All these factors have adversely affected the stock markets across the world, causing major fluctuations in these markets. I have been following closely development in the world economy, particularly the US economy, and I am deeply concerned.


China has pursued a tight monetary policy and a prudent fiscal policy in light of its actual condition. The main problems we face now are the excessive investment in fixed assets, excess money and credit supply, and a large trade surplus.


As China's economy is increasingly tied to the global economy, it is inevitably affected by changes in the global economy. That's why in pursuing these two policies, we need to keep a close eye on the latest trends and developments in the world economy and make prompt and proactive policy adjustments.


The effect of our policies can only become clear over a mid-term or long-term period, not in just one or two months.


What concerns me now is when the US dollar will stop depreciation, what kind of monetary policy will the US pursue and what will happen to the US economy?


As for the reform of the RMB exchange rate system, the exchange rate of the RMB is determined by market supply and demand and with reference to a basket of currencies. Over the past two years and more, the RMB has appreciated by 15% against the US dollar, and it has appreciated at a faster pace recently.


When we use various monetary tools, we need to weigh up their costs and benefits and take a comprehensive approach, because changes in the interest rate or the exchange rate will have both advantages and disadvantages.


I am fully aware that this is a major test for China. But I also want to assure you that the fundamentals of the Chinese economy are sound. China has vast market potentials, particularly in rural areas and there is much we can do to ensure China's continued development. This is where our strength lies, and we are confident about the prospects of China's economic development.


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