
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11




  This course involves examination of Marx's economic theory, concentrating on the theories and value and surplus value, the theory of accumulation, the theory of money and circulation, and the concept of socialism, consideration of some selected work of later Marxist economists and discussion of some criticisms of the Marxist theory.


  the fundamentals of the scientific framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory

  the essential thinking and scientific substance

  the historical impact and guiding significance

  the line, policy and strategy for building China-specific socialism

  the attitude towards holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping

  the initiative for building socialism with Chinese characteristics

  the ability to apply … to the study of the theoretical and practical dimensions of …

 the initial stage of socialism

  the pith and marrow of Deng Xiaoping Theory

  the essence and fundamental tasks of socialism

  the reform of socialism

  the socialist market economy

  the development strategy of the modernization program

  the enhancement of democracy and the rule of law

  the strengthening the vitality of civilization

  the leading core and buttress force

  the diplomatic and opening policies


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