
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  The NPC passed the Anti-Secession Law with no dissenting/opposing votes.

  2. 两国边境地区可以说是阡陌相通, 鸡犬之声相闻 (中缅关系)。

  China and Myanmar are close neighbors with their border people living within hailing distance.

  3. 中国政府打击知识产权违法行为是坚定不移和毫不手软的。

  The Chinese government is firm and resolute in fighting IPR violations.

  4. 我们不应该厚此薄彼。

  We should not favor one to the neglect of the other.

  We should not play favoritism.

  5. 走自己的路,让别人说去吧。

  Go one‘s own way, whatever others may say.

  6. 反分裂法是被逼出来的。

  We have no choice but to enact the Anti-Secession Law.

  The Anti-Secession Law is driven by circumstances.

  The Anti-Secession Law is enacted under compelling circumstances.

  7. 三十而立, 四十不惑。

  At the age of 30, a man should be able to stand on his own feet; at 40, he should be able to avoid perplexities.

  8. 讲公道话, 办公道事。

  Be fair in word and deed.

  9. 黄金发展期

  golden(rare/prime) period of development

  10. 矛盾凸显期 (二十一世纪上半叶,我们既面临“黄金发展期”,又面对矛盾凸显期。)

  a period of increasing problems

  a period of major challenges


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