
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  烹调术 cookery

  色、香、味 color, aroma and taste

  佐料 seasoning

  刀功 slicing technique

  清炒 plain-frying

  煸 stir-frying

  爆 quick-frying

  炸 deep-frying

  煎 pan-frying

  焙 roasting

  清蒸 steaming

  氽 quick-boiling

  熏 smoking

  腌 salting

  食谱 recipe

  回锅肉 twice-cooked pork slices in brown sauce

  炸猪排 fried pork chop

  北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck

  什锦炒蔬 stir-fried mixed vegetables

  酸辣汤 hot and sour soup

  鸡茸蘑菇汤 cream of mushroom with chicken

  主食 staple food

  馒头 steamed bread

  米饭 steamed rice

  扬州炒饭 Yangchow fried rice

  冷面 cold noodle

  炒米粉 fried ground rice noodles


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