
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

The two US international communication corporations merged, challenging the dominant AT&T Corp.

The combination of the Internet and wireless communications will further revolutionize our lives, creating what is called a “wireless information society.”

Benefiting from rapid international and domestic economic growth and the policy of expanding exports, foreign trade maintained high growth.

Tiantan (the Temple Heaven), first built in 1420, is a masterpiece of
traditional Chinese architecture.

The picturesque Xishuang Banna, surrounded by green mountains covered with sub-tropical trees and vegetation, is located in a large flat valley bordering on the Lantsang River.

To speed up the economic growth and become an international metropolis (a cosmopolis), Shanghai is pay close attention to the global developments.



Today, a new generation of white-collars, who work in the buildings of nearly 100-year history in Bund, is undoubtedly the upper class of the elites in Shanghai. Those with the salary more than 6000 or 7000 yuan can be found everywhere, and also include the ones reaching about 10 thousand yuan. Most of them are handsome boys and pretty girls. Together with that the Shanghai has the tradition of paying attention to life quality, and most of the Shanghai have one child, only using one half of their salary, could those white-collars unrestrained make high expense without considering giving money to their parents.


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