
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


Only through reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese
characteristics under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party, can we succeed in bringing about a strong and prosperous China. And only by adhering to a democratic, scientific and responsible spirit, can we achieve our objectives.


The Chinese government is expected to take further measures to expand domestic demand for consumer goods this year to maintain sustained, rapid and healthy economic growth. As investment, consumption and exports have been effectively increased as a result of the central authorities’ policies, economic-growth is now established at 7 percent or more this year.


To tackle the problem of insufficient consumer demand, China will further its efforts in preparing for / further gear up investment in fixed assets. The government will concentrate its investment on infrastructure facilities, technological renovation, environmental protection, research and development, education and the construction of residential buildings. Meanwhile, the government will further make use of fiscal and monetary levers to support economic growth and provide a better policy environment for private investment.


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