
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17


The Green Goddess of English Gardens

  Lady Salisbury restored 42 acres of gardens at Hatfield House, her home after taking up residence with her husband, the sixth Lord Salisbury, in 1972.

  "Children see things in miniature," said the onetime Miss Wyndham-Quin, now the Dowager Marchioness of Salisbury and Britain's high priestess of historic garden design. Lady Salisbury, 82, has put her stamp on a Tudor-style courtyard for a millionaire’s medieval town house in London as well as on a multi purpose street-front garden - "Americans would call it a yard," she said - for the New York office of the World Youth Alliance on East 71st Street, a project she expects to complete in November.

  In the early 1980's she designed gardens for the Prince of Wales at Highgrove and to the delight of satirists encouraged him to talk to his plants. "Don’t all gardeners do that?" she said.

  Most famously Lady Salisbury spent 31 years reviving the gardens of her former home, Hatfield House, a brooding redbrick Jacobean palace 20 miles north of London.


  据《纽约时报》3月3日报道,哈特菲尔德宫(Hatfield House)位于伦敦以北约20英里处,占地约7000英亩,它的主体是一座红砖房。它是詹姆士一世时期(1603—1625)的宫殿,伊丽莎白一世(1558-1603)童年时曾住在这里。





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