


  London being the interesting and cultural city that it is, there is no dearth of restaurants in London offering some of the finest cuisines from around the world. In fact, the list of London restaurants can be quite daunting to a visitor. No other city in the world other than London and perhaps New York can boast of such a wide and diverse range of cuisines. A London restaurant guide is the best place to begin. Online restaurant guides for London will list out the culinary joints by cuisine and area. You can decide on the kind of London restaurant you are looking for - be it a quick bite on the move or a romantic evening or a kid-friendly place or even an outdoor restaurant. London restaurants are a gastronomical delight. Takeaways and delis are popular for those who want a quick bite. The traditional English restaurants still serve typical British cuisine, a popular dish being London broil.

  Indian curry is popular and there is no dearth of Indian restaurants in London. The Ivy and Le Caprice are on the top of the list of most London restaurant guides. The Nobu is a fashionable venue to catch the glitterati. London restaurants offering exotic cuisines are not difficult to locate. Whether it is Middle Eastern or Lebanese food or Korean or Mediterranean food, London has it all. Be sure to check the local restaurant guides in London for the rates so that you are not caught unawares.


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