
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17


  The theater in London offers a variety of plays to suit all tastes. A theater aficionado would find it hard to choose from the many plays that do the rounds of the popular theaters. If you are seeking a ticket to the London Theater, it is now possible to book it online. Last minute ticket deals offer cheap tickets to the theater enthusiast.

  Theater London

  The West End theaters in London usually offer commercial productions. Plays running here are usually long runners such as 'The Mousetrap’ and musicals such as 'Phantom of the Opera’。 The diversity of plays offered at the West End is rarely found anywhere else. Prices of theater tickets range from ??7 to ??50 for top price tickets. The National Theater (NT) and the Globe Theater are popular repertoire companies. They take a risk and screen new and relatively unknown writers. Some of the plays at these theaters in London may have a selected and niche audience. Theaters such as Olivier, Lyttelton and Cottesloe screen performances in repertory. The Globe Theater screens plays in the season from April to September. The Fringe has a group of theaters that are smaller and consequently screens plays at prices that are much lower than West End. Sundays are a holiday for most theaters.

  London theater ticket

  There is an official Half Price Ticket Booth in London that can be found in the clock tower building next to the garden on the south side of Leicester Square. Here, you can only buy tickets for theater performances the same day. All West End Shows do not sell tickets at the Half Price Ticket Booth. Booking a London theater ticket in advance is advisable especially for popular shows. You can book London theater tickets online. The theater web site allows you to book your tickets for the play of your choice. The tickets can be collected at the theater or posted to you.


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