
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

 underground music 地铁中的音乐

  last year the london underground allocated certain parts of the underground for busking. buskers who want to be part of one of the world's most competitive busking s cenes will have to pass an audition and pay £20 for a permit. there are currently over 600 buskers permitted to play for tube commuters in london. four of them are in contract negotiations with sony and emi. some other facts about london underground's buskers include:


  *of the 602 licensed london underground buskers, 78 per cent are men, 22 per cent are women.


  *52 per cent of them are gainfully employed elsewhere. one is a doctor, one a teacher and another an accountant.


  *the oldest performer is 89 year-old 'busker bill'.


  *of the 602 buskers, 58 per cent are guitarists, 10 per cent violinists, 9 per cent saxophonists, 10 per cent play flutes and harmonicas, 6 per cent accordions and keyboards and 2 per cent play the didgeridoo.



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