
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

how to busk 如何在街头卖艺

  busking is a fun activity for the performer. buskers, regardless of whether they are professional musicians or amateurs, can enjoy the experience of performing anonymously. the success of the performance depends solely on how well the busker can grab and hold a crowd's attention. it's a fun way to be part of a festive crowd and practice performance skills in the meantime.


  1. learn about the regulations and laws about busking in the area you want to perform before you start strumming your guitar. even in areas where it is legal to busk, make sure that if you draw a crowd you won't end up obstructing traffic. busking is fun, but not if you end up on the wrong side of the law.


  2. respect the local residents. don't ②lay into your drum kit at midnight in a residential area. also respect the space of other buskers.


  3. judge your audience. try to play music that will appeal to them. if they are older, play a few golden oldies, and if they are young give them more contemporary stuff. watch their reactions. as soon as the crowd starts to fidget change the music.


  4. when selecting a location take acoustics into account. many buskers choose subway tunnels because of the interesting sound effects. however, the public usually pass through these areas quickly and are not inclined to linger. doorways and alcoves on street level are a better option. train stations, bus stations and other places where people have to wait are the best.



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