
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

    mark cuban’s influence might be doing the league’s officials some good after all. how ironic, then, that his suggestions might make it harder for his team to win a title. 
    mark cuban’s influence might be doing the league’s officials some good after all. how ironic, then, that his suggestions might make it harder for his team to win a title. 
    the owner of the aptly named mavericks has complained vociferously about the state of officiating ever since he bought the team with his internet riches back in 2000. 
    yet cuban has had one very positive influence on the state of officiating -- encouraging the league’s use of the refs to open up the game. from an entrepreneurial perspective, cuban realized a more open-court game with higher scoring would create a more fan-friendly product. 


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