
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17


  The fiery Ram likes to be scared, perhaps so they can claim they weren't, but that everyone around them was. Favorite films might include The Sixth Sense or adrenalin-pumping Arnold Schwarzenegger bicep blockbusters like The Terminator, or maybe the physical comedy of Jackie Chan.



  The steady Bull is patient, but needs to be rewarded by aesthetic value. Epic films that bring the viewer laughter, tears, and beautiful scenery are tops on the list. Mel Gibson in Braveheart, Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth and Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra all fit the bill.



  While you're a voracious reader and an intellectual, you enjoy a laugh, too. A comedy with endless possibilities, like Groundhog Day or Sliding Doors, might make your evening. On the other hand, you can't go wrong with something that gives you pause for thought. Try out Pi or Being John Malkovich.



  The comfortable Crab gets much pleasure out of hunkering down on the couch to watch a miniseries or a family or history movie. You're likely to have Roots, The Thorn Birds or Shakespeare in Love on video so that you don't have to leave the comfort of home to go to the theater.



  Great dramatic films and blockbuster romances are the Lion's pride. For your viewing pleasure, everything must be bigger and better, with the brightest stars. Titanic and the two big trilogies, the Godfather and Star Wars, might all be in your video tape collection.



  The ever-practical Virgo does not have time to watch anything that won't improve their lives in some way. You'll cook a dinner to Julia Child, use fix-it videos to refurbish your room and watch documentaries to wind down. You might also enjoy the neurotic works of Woody Allen for a chuckle.



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