
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

Scientists at the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York have created small robots that can build copies of themselves. Self-replicating robots are no longer the stuff of science fiction.

Each robot consists of several 10-cm cubes which have identical machinery, electromagnets to attach and detach to each other and a computer programme for replication. The robots can bend and pick up and stack the cubes.

"Although the machines we have created are still simple compared with biological self-reproduction, they demonstrate that mechanical self-reproduction is possible and not unique to biology," Hod Lipson said in a report in the science journal Nature on Wednesday.

He and his team believe the design principle could be used to make long term, self-repairing robots that could mend themselves and be used in hazardous situations and on space flights.

The experimental robots, which don’t do anything else except make copies of themselves, are powered through contacts on the surface of the table and transfer data through their faces. They self-replicate by using additional modules placed in special "feeding locations."

The machines duplicate themselves by bending over and putting their top cube on the table. Then they bend again, pick up another cube, put it on top of the first and repeat the entire process. As the new robot begins to take shape it helps to build itself.

"The four-module robot was able to construct a replica in 2.5 minutes by lifting and assembling cubes from the feeding locations," said Lipson. 




“与生物学上的自我复制相比,我们所研制的机器尚非常简单。但这证明了自我复制并不是生物学上的特有性能,机械的自我复制也是可能的。” 本周三Hod Lipson在科学期刊《自然》上的一篇报告中说到。




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