
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

A new fast food is making its debut at U.S. fairs this fall -- fried Coke(炒可乐). Abel Gonzales, 36, a computer analyst from Dallas, tried about 15 different varieties before coming up with his perfect recipe -- a batter(面糊) mix made with Coca-Cola syrup(果汁), a drizzle of strawberry syrup(草莓汁), and some strawberries.

Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts(油炸面圈)which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon(肉桂)sugar and a cherry on the top.


"It tastes great," said Sue Gooding, a spokeswoman for the State Fair of Texas where Gonzales' fried Coke made its debut this fall. "It was a huge success."


Gonzales ran two stands at the State Fair of Texas and sold up to 35,000 fried Cokes over 24 days for $4.50 each -- and won a prize for coming up with "most creative" new fair food.


Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said: "We're constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their Coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals. This is one is definitely different!"



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