
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

The days of multi-layer air tickets appear numbered, as the China Air Transport Association (CATA) has stopped providing paper tickets and instructed sellers to issue e-tickets.


The decision is in line with an International Air Transport Association (IATA) move that requires its 261 member airlines to abandon paper tickets by the end of 2007.


E-tickets will be issued once the current batch of paper tickets has been used up. The change currently only applies to domestic flights.


"We haven't received notice from the CATA that paper tickets for international flights will be stopped," said a ticket agent in Beijing.


Customers will book tickets through airlines or ticket agents as usual, and will be given a booking reference.


They will then be able to use automatic check-in facilities at airports, and receive an invoice for reimbursement. They can also check-in as normal at the counter.


Special passengers like infants and those flying to airports without automatic check-in machines can still use paper tickets.


The wide use of e-ticketing is expected to lower operational costs, which could lead to lower prices, said an expert with the safety technology centre of the General Administration of Civil Aviation (CAAC).


A survey by civil aviation website www.CARNOC.com between August 28 and October 15 showed widespread concern over the new system.

民航资源网www.CARNOC.com 在8月28日至10月15日间所做的一项调查表明,新的电子机票制度引起人们的普遍关注。

Despite having the Internet proficiency to take part in the online survey, 43 per cent of respondents said they would prefer to receive a paper ticket.


While some feel more secure without the worry of a ticket, others said they did not trust sending personal details over the Internet, or worried they would not get reimbursed.



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