
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

Twins Days Festival opens in Twinsburg


The city of Twinsburg, Ohio, saw double as twins from around the world converged for the annual Twins Days Festival on August 5.

More than 3,500 twins, triplets and quadruplets come from all across the United States and as far away as Australia, England and Japan to meet others in the same genetic boat and -- for at least a few days -- feel like part of the crowd.

"All the twins, you just relate to them so well," said Stuart Daniel of one set of twins. "They understand you. They're just like us."

Stuart and his brother, Phillip, toured the festival in the uniforms they wear at their jobs as surf life-guards -- bright yellow jerseys, red swim trunks, sandals, and red-and-yellow swim caps.

The 39-year old brothers said they live and work together, and had even come close to marrying another set of twin women. The Australians were on their way to take part in one of several research studies being conducted at the festival.

Twins such as Jeanette Meadows and her sister Geneva Petitt attended the event, giving them a chance to mingle with others who were born into the same situation, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.

"It's just the fellowship with other twins," said Meadows. "To be around other people who understand what it means to be a twin."

Festival organizers expected nearly 3,000 sets of twins -- and more than 40,000 people overall -- to attend the 31st event.

Dr. Kevin Cooper, chairman of dermatology at Case Western Reserve University, was there for the seventh year in a row to study the onset of diseases as they pertain to twins.

"Every time we come, we learn something," Cooper said. "It's quite a resource."


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