
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

Over 20% of Chinese toys substandard - report

More than 20 percent of Chinese toys and baby clothes are substandard , according to the country's consumer safety watchdog, according to a report on Monday.

Some toys made by local factories were even potentially dangerous, the Beijing News said, citing a nationwide probe by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.

Industrial waste, including dirty carpet fluff, paper and used instant-noodle packaging, was found stuffed inside some toys made by factories in the northern province of Hebei and sold at rock-bottom prices nationwide, the newspaper added.

"These fluffy toys with bacteria or even viruses in them could cause children to itch if they touch them for a short time, or even cause disease over the long term," the newspaper said.

Some toys had parts that could be easily torn off and potentially injure children, it said, adding that it was not uncommon for children to get sick or die because of poor-quality toys.

The watchdog found that some baby clothes contained chemicals that could cause skin problems, the newspaper said.

About 5 percent of baby milk powder tested was found to be of poor quality, with some containing excessive amounts of nitrate, it added.









substandard :failing to meet a standard(不达标准的)



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