
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17




Sydney Police Nab Dieter Who Slipped out of Jail

A man who squeezed his way out of jail three days ago after fasting and taking laxatives was caught on Saturday while window-shopping in a Sydney mall.

Robert Cole, 36, who was serving time for stealing and assault, was being treated in the Long Bay prison hospital when he broke out of jail on Tuesday night.

The mentally ill prisoner shed up to 14 kg (31 pounds) and managed to slip his slimmed-down 56-kg frame through the gap between his cell bars and the brickwork, Australian Associated Press reported.

AAP quoted a top prison service official as saying Cole would be sent immediately to another jail where he would spend the coming winter in a maximum security cell.

"Prison will be harsher for Mr Cole after this because there's a heightened level of security that he will be contained in," official Brian Kelly said.


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