
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

2,000 gather for Amsterdam nude photo

Thousands of naked people pose in a parking garage during a massive naked photo session with U.S. photographer Spencer Tunick in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, early Sunday, June 3, 2007.[AP]

Dozens of women posed naked on their bicycles on a bridge Sunday in a unique sight even in a city famed for its relaxed attitude toward nudity and sex.

They were among 2,000 men and women who participated in a series of four nude group photos in the city in the early hours of the morning as part of the latest project of U.S. photographer Spencer Tunick.

The first and largest composition was in a decidedly prosaic location: a parking garage on the outer ring of the city.

But what the location lacked in romance, it made up for in style. Participants lined the railings of the garage's twin circular towers, creating a pattern of multicolor stripes against the white building.

The women on bikes posed with their chins pointed triumphantly upward toward the sky.

Other compositions included a group of men posing together near the parking garage and a mixed group of men and women on another bridge.

Tunick, from Brooklyn, N.Y., has become famous for photographing thousands of naked people in public settings worldwide, from London and Vienna to Buenos Aires and Buffalo. He set a record for naked photography with a photo of 18,000 people in the buff in Mexico City last month.

Photos from Sunday's session were to be exhibited at an Amsterdam club later Sunday.










nudity: 裸体;裸露



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