
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - From the camera flashes on the red carpet of a Hollywood awards show to the walls of a jail cell -- what a difference a day makes when you're Paris Hilton.

The 26-year-old heiress, a symbol of privilege and American celebrity culture, was booked into a Los Angeles County jail early on Monday, a day ahead of her court-ordered deadline, to begin serving a three-week sentence for violating probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.

She surrendered to authorities in downtown Los Angeles hours after making a surprise appearance at the MTV Movie Awards, and was transferred to the Century Regional Detention Facility in nearby Lynwood, the county sheriff's department said.

Once there, she was fingerprinted, photographed and issued an ID wristband, orange-colored jail clothing and toiletries, said sheriff's department Sgt. Diane Hecht in a statement.

Hecht said the booking for Hilton, whose great-grandfather Conrad Hilton started the global Hilton Hotel empire, was completed by about 1 a.m. PDT (4 a.m. EDT/0800 GMT) on Monday.

Her booking photo showed her dressed in a white V-neck top, wearing eye makeup and lip gloss with a slight smile, her blond hair swept to one side over her right shoulder.

Sheriff's department spokesman Steve Whitmore described her as "cooperative," "calm" and "focused" during booking.

原本明天才要到监狱报到的社交名媛帕丽斯·希尔顿,昨天晚间出席MTV电影奖颁奖典礼之后,隔了几小时就自行提前入狱,并在牢房里渡过第一个晚上。这位二十六岁的希尔顿饭店女继承人预计将坐牢二十三天。 帕丽丝希尔顿的律师今天对媒体证实,这位话题不断的社交名媛已经在昨天深夜前往监狱报到了,比法院裁定的入狱时间提早两天。洛杉矶郡警长办公室今天对媒体表示,帕丽斯·希尔顿在参加完MTV电影奖颁奖典礼之后,昨天晚间十时三十分左右抵达位于洛杉矶市中心区的一所监狱报到,随即被押往Century Regional Detention Facility女子监狱,接受按指纹、照相、体检等手续,并且换上橘色的受刑人制服。洛杉矶郡警长办公室发言人说,帕丽斯·希尔顿的态度“很合作、很配合”,也很专心接受指令。她预计将要坐牢二十三天,二十六日出狱。基于帕丽斯·希尔顿身为“名人”的特殊考虑,狱方为她安排了一人一间的牢房。帕丽斯·希尔顿由于违反在酒驾保释期间应该遵守的相关条件与规定,五月间被法官判处坐牢。二零零六年九月,芭莉丝希尔顿由于在路上违反交通规则肆意开车被警方拦下,警察发现她疑似喝酒神智不清,而且酒精浓度测验也未过关。她的血液酒精浓度则刚好是零点零八的临界值。近两年积极朝演艺圈发展的帕丽斯·希尔顿,今年元月被法院判处三年缓刑、接受戒酒辅导并且罚款一千五百美元。


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