
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

Beckham embraces new challenge - and vocabulary

  English superstar David Beckham, seen here being introduced the Los Angeles Galaxy fans, was wowed the first time he set eyes on his new 22 million dollar California home, which he says will make putting down roots in Los Angeles that much easier.

  English superstar David Beckham, brought to the Los Angeles Galaxy to preach the gospel of football to US sports fans, may have to overcome a language barrier to get the message across.

  Beckham, who acquired a smattering of Spanish in four years with Real Madrid, told some 5,000 fans at the Galaxy's Home Depot Center that he was looking forward to the challenge of making the game "as big here as it is everywhere around the world."

  "The first thing in my life is always my family," he said, adding: "The second most important thing has always been foot... soccer.

  "Sorry, I'll get used to that, I promise," he added.

  For most US sports fans, of course, "football" means the gridiron game of the National Football League and college teams.

  Beckham's slip-up came despite his careful preparations.

  The former England skipper said last month that he was trying to school himself to say "soccer" rather than football in deference to his new fans.

  "Since I signed with the Galaxy, I'm trying to get myself to say soccer because I've always said football," he said in June, after filming a commercial with New Orleans Saints running back Reggie Bush.

  "It would seem like (soccer) would be the sport you actually call football because you're kicking it with your foot," Bush said. "We call (American football) football, but we actually throw it a lot more than we kick it."



  他说:“对于我来说,家庭永远摆在第一位,足球第二。” (小贝差点说football,刚说了foot后,立刻改口为soccer。)








smattering: a small, scattered amount or number(少量的)

slip-up: an error;oversight(错误;疏忽)



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